Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Birds Birds everywhere

Pic Top: Buff-rumped woodpecker, FRIM (tiny little guy)

Pic Right: Gold-whiskered Barbet (mouth very big)

We did it again! I told my husband, after he turned up sick and had to miss work on Monday.

"Birding for 7-8 hours straight for two consecutive days is taking its toll on us" after seeing a bunch of medication lying on the dining table. Nevertheless, i could see myself retiring about 30 years from now and do nothing but birding in different parts of the world, provided I am still able.

I guess it is the unpredictability factor that excites me when it comes to this sport (if you can call it a sport). You just wouldn't know when the chance will come to spot some amazing looking birds and how accomodative they would be to allow a couple of shots, just sufficient for the purpose of identification. Certain birds are residents while others are on transit (migratory), some are colourful and some can be damn ugly. Some are not shy at all while some are pretty elusive. All in all, they are wonderful creatures worth protecting and to be admired by the younger generation.

Pic Below: Chestnut-breasted Malkoha

Birding takes us this round to Sungai Tekala Forest Reserve and our fav forest reserve, FRIM.

A short distance from the Nirvana Memorial Park (Semenyih), you will find the Sungai Tekala Forest Reserve. Entrance fee is only RM 1 per person and it is surprisingly clean and untouched.

Most people go there to enjoy the waterfall and picnic lunch. It is also a good birding ground for amateurs like us. Spotting and chasing after the birds for photography are great way to spend your time in this place. We managed to capture two species of Malkohas, Trogons and the Drongos on camera. Yeh!

Another good birding spot is FRIM (located about 10 minute-drive from my place in Kepong). Entrance fee is RM 6 (per car) or RM 1 per person if you choose to walk in. My advice is to hang out at The Malay Tea House and savour a cup of lemongrass tea. At the vicinity, you will find many birds flying to this particular tree that has lots of fruits/berries.
Some of the common birds found here are the Gold-whiskered barbet, Asian fairy Blue Bird, woodpecker, yellow-vented bulbul, red-whiskered bulbuls and the Asian glossy starlings. We even caught sight of a Sharma......too bad lighting too dark so no good pictures to show.

Pic Left: Blue-throated Bee-eater
Pic Right: Red-whiskered Bulbul

1 comment:

Ken Wooi said...

the blue bird looks nice =)

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